Hafner - Valve Terminals - Series 22 mm Multi-pin connector
Hafner - Valve Terminals - Series 22 mm Multi-pin connector

Hafner - Valve Terminals - Series 22 mm Multi-pin connector

Τεχνικά Φυλλάδια / Οδηγίες Χρήσης / Λοιπά


ST40 Multipol | D-Sub Stecker | für Ventilinseln T_16 und T_22

Type numberPositon of connectorExit of cable
ST40 W06at the side7 leads | 6 solenoids | 1 +/-
ST40 W14at the side15 leads | 14 solenoids | 1 +/-
ST40 G06on the top7 leads | 6 solenoids | 1 +/-
ST40 G14on the top15 leads | 14 solenoids | 1 +/-