Δίσκοι Διαρραγής - Graphite Discs | DonadonSDD
Δίσκοι Διαρραγής - Graphite Discs | DonadonSDD
Δίσκοι Διαρραγής - Graphite Discs | DonadonSDD
Δίσκοι Διαρραγής - Graphite Discs | DonadonSDD
Δίσκοι Διαρραγής - Graphite Discs | DonadonSDD
Δίσκοι Διαρραγής - Graphite Discs | DonadonSDD

Δίσκοι Διαρραγής - Graphite Discs | DonadonSDD

Οι Δίσκοι Διαρραγής - Graphite Discs από την DonadonSDD είναι σχεδιασμένοι για την προστασία συστημάτων από υπερβολική πίεση. Κατασκευασμένοι από γραφίτη, αυτοί οι δίσκοι προσφέρουν υψηλή αντοχή στη διάβρωση και αξιοπιστία σε απαιτητικές βιομηχανικές εφαρμογές. Είναι ιδανικοί για χρήση σε περιβάλλοντα με χημικά, πετροχημικά και άλλες βιομηχανίες, όπου η ασφάλεια και η αποτελεσματικότητα είναι κρίσιμες.


DonadonSDD replaceable GA graphite rupture discs are mounted on a stainless steel ring that can be directly inserted between flanges.

This disc is very versatile because combines the mechanical robustness of a steel holder and the characteristics of graphite discs (resistant to aggressive fluids and low bursting pressure sensitivity to temperature variations).

Disc material is high purity graphite. Opening is total but with fragmentation. Vacuum support is required for rupture pressures below 1.7 barg. Discs are self-supporting at higher calibrations.

MaterialsGraphite and Stainless steel
DimensionsDN 25 – DN 300
Rupture pressure0.017 – 15 bar g (depending on diameter)
Tolerancefrom +/- 10 % to +/- 20%
Operating temperaturefrom -60 °C to 300 °C
Operating marginup to 75%
Vacuum supportNot Available
Use under valveNo
Corrosion resistanceVery good - can be protected with a PTFE membrane
ContainerIncluded, mounted between flanges
SealsAvailable in graphite
Rupture sensorElectrical
PED Certification [CE STAMP]Available

DonadonSDD GM monoblock graphite rupture discs are versatile and suitable for numerous applications and can be directly inserted between flanges.

Graphite rupture discs are very resistant to aggressive fluids and low bursting pressure sensitivity to temperature variations. Discs are made of very high purity graphite impregnated with phenolic resins in order to make the product impermeable.

Opening is total but with fragmentation.

Vacuum support is required for rupture pressures below 1.7 barg. Discs are self-supporting at higher calibrations.

DimensionsDN 25 – DN 600
Rupture pressure0.017 – 15 bar g (depending on diameter)
Tolerancefrom +/- 10 % to +/- 20%
Operating temperaturefrom -60 °C to 180 °C
Operating marginup to 75%
Vacuum supportAvailable
Use under valveNo
Corrosion resistanceVery good - can be protected with a PTFE membrane
ContainerIncluded, mounted between flanges
SealsAvailable in graphite
Rupture sensorElectrical
PED Certification [CE STAMP]Available

DonadonSDD replaceable GR graphite rupture discs are mounted on graphite (available for pressures up to 10 bar g) or metal (up to 15 bar g) holders. These discs are versatile and suitable for numerous applications.

Graphite rupture discs are very resistant to aggressive fluids and low bursting pressure sensitivity to temperature variations. Discs are made of very high purity graphite impregnated with phenolic resins in order to make the product impermeable.

Opening is total but with fragmentation.

Vacuum support is required for rupture pressures below 1.7 barg. Discs are self-supporting at higher calibrations.

DimensionsDN 25 – DN 200
Rupture pressure0.017 – 15 bar g (depending on diameter)
Tolerancefrom +/- 10 % to +/- 20%
Operating temperaturefrom -60 °C to 180 °C
Operating marginup to 75%
Vacuum supportAvailable
Use under valveNo
Corrosion resistanceVery good - can be protected with a PTFE membrane
ContainerGR, HI/A
SealsAvailable in Graphite and Cork
Rupture sensorElectrical
PED Certification [CE STAMP]Available


Quality certifications are a guarantee. DonadonSDD has obtained the following certifications.

DonadonSDD provides high-quality products that meet the safety requirements of the systems where they are installed. The organisation and procedures fully comply with the ISO 9001 standard to ensure the utmost quality for our products. Our quality system has also met the stringent requirements of the UNI EN 9100 standard concerning design, development, and manufacture of rupture discs for the aerospace industry.

DonadonSDD products – such as rupture discs, explosion venting panels, and rupture indicators – are certified in compliance with PED directive 2014/68/EU or ATEX directive 2014/34/EU. The rupture discs alone are manufactured, tested, and certified in compliance with ASME directive, Section VIII, Division 1 and carry the relative UD stamp. 

DonadonSDD is subject to inspections carried out by 3-A Sanitary Standard, Inc. (3-A SSI) so that our rupture discs can meet the highest sanitary standards.

Upon request, our clients can ask independent inspectors to certify single batches.