QuickEM Drainage Module Series | Gestra
QuickEM Drainage Module Series | Gestra

QuickEM Drainage Module Series | Gestra

Improve system performance with our condensate removal solutions

For maintenance and energy managers improving productivity, reducing operating costs and energy use are key drivers. 

By removing condensate from your steam system, you can maintain effective heat transfer, reduce damage to your steam system equipment and return reusable condensate energy to your boiler feed tank for reuse.  

GESTRA's steam traps meet the most demanding system requirements to help you effectively remove condensate, keeping your system operating at peak performance.

GESTRA's QuickEM drainage modules are preassembled for quick and easy installation and are ideal for draining steam pipes, steam headers and heat exchangers. 


Preassembled for quick and easy installation

QuickEM control drainage modules provide you with all you need to monitor your steam traps. These are pre-assembled units and include a steam trap, sight glass, check valve, stop valve and bypass pipe plus all the necessary pipes, flanges, gaskets and fasteners. This packaged unit is quick and easy to install.

Our solutions will help you to...

  • Save energy
  • Improve system reliability
  • Improve system performance

What are the features?

  • Minimal installation errors
  • Pre-assembled steam trap module
  • Standardised lengths
  • For horizontal or vertical installation