Cla-Val - Marine - Specialty Marine Products - X69M Proportioning Assembly
Cla-Val - Marine - Specialty Marine Products - X69M Proportioning Assembly

Cla-Val - Marine - Specialty Marine Products - X69M Proportioning Assembly

Cla-Val also manufactures products that are unique in either their design or in the way they are used.

These special products include the 22M Back Pressure Regulating Valve and X69 Proportioning Assembly, both of which are used in AFFF fire protection systems.

Cla-Val’s 134-05 Deluge Valve and Model 90-42 are ideal choices for shipboard fire protection piping systems and are designed and manufactured specifically for rigorous seawater environments.

A special Fueling Nozzle designed for use on aircraft carriers is equipped with all the features necessary for safe and efficient onboard fueling and defueling of waiting aircraft, including jets and helicopters.

Τεχνικά Φυλλάδια / Οδηγίες Χρήσης / Λοιπά


The Cla-Val Model X69M Proportioning Assembly helps to ensure that water and AFFF concentrates are released in the proper proportion to effectively suppress fires. 

Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) systems are highly effective in marine fire suppression applications. AFFF systems employ a variety of valves with different functions to achieve timely and reliable service when it matters most.

Each of the Cla-Val products used in the AFFF is designed and manufactured to perform with fast-acting precision, playing a critical role in protecting life and equipment in the event of a fire aboard surface vessels.