Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss
Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss
Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss
Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss
Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss
Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss
Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss
Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss

Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες | Sondex/Danfoss

Οι Πλακοειδείς Εναλλάκτες της Sondex/Danfoss είναι σχεδιασμένοι για αποδοτική μεταφορά θερμότητας σε διάφορες βιομηχανικές εφαρμογές. Χρησιμοποιούν μια σειρά από λεπτές, κυματοειδείς πλάκες για να μεγιστοποιήσουν την επιφάνεια επαφής μεταξύ των ρευστών, επιτυγχάνοντας έτσι υψηλή απόδοση και εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας. Η κατασκευή τους επιτρέπει εύκολη συντήρηση και προσαρμογή σε διαφορετικές ανάγκες, καθιστώντας τους ιδανικούς για χρήση σε συστήματα θέρμανσης, ψύξης και ανάκτησης θερμότητας.

Τεχνικά Φυλλάδια / Οδηγίες Χρήσης / Λοιπά


Our SONDEX® standard plate heat exchangers are the ideal choice for a wide range of applications across numerous market segments. Innovative technologies and smart design make our standard plate heat exchangers a stellar investment and the go-to choice for standard duties.

We have one of the largest plate portfolios in the world and we customize each heat exchanger to meet your exact requirements. The versatile design and high thermal efficiency make them the perfect solution for a wide range of applications.

Features and benefits

  • Experience the benefit of an individually customized solution that perfectly matches your requirements and lowers your energy consumption.
  • High performance for a low pressure drop eliminates unnecessary burdens on your system and optimizes overall system performance.
  • We design single-pass solutions when possible, as they are the preferred choice for almost all duties. With all connections on the head you do not need to disconnect the heat exchanger from the piping to perform inspection, cleaning, or service.
  • The design results in a compact solution with a small footprint, simple installation, and easy access for maintenance.


  • HVAC industry - e.g. district cooling solutions using seawater and groundwater as cooling source - e.g. district heating solutions using, for example, solar and geothermal energy as heating source
  • Marine/offshore industry - e.g. central and lubrication oil cooling
  • Dairy/food/beverage industry - e.g. pasteurization, heat recoveries, and duties that require gentle treatment
  • Sugar industry
  • Biogas industry
  • Pulp and paper industry
  • Heavy industry
  • Mining industry
  • Petrochemical industry
  • Chemical industry - e.g. waste heat recovery from condenser water

Technical specifications

  • Conections from DN25 to DN600 (1" to 24")
  • Frames designed according to FEA and PED 2014/68/EU (EN13445) and ASME sec VIII, Div. 1 construction standards
  • Plate materials: AISI 304/316, titanium, SMO, Hastelloy*
  • Gasket materials: EPDM-HT, NBR-HT, Viton*
  • Plate lengths up to 5.5 m (18 ft)
  • Flow rates up to 7,200 m3/h (31,700 gpm)
  • Working pressure up to 35 bar (500 psi)
  • Working temperatures from -20 °C to 180 °C (-4 °F to 356 °F)

*Other materials are available upon request.

D-plate technology

Our Danfoss engineers have enhanced the way heat exchanger plates are designed with the introduction of the new D-plate series. Drawing on years of experience within heat transfer technology and deep application knowledge, we have made significant upgrades to the traditional Fishbone plates to truly redefine the way we think of heat exchanger plates.

SONDEX® Fishbone plates

SONDEX® Fishbone plate pattern technology is used for the vast majority of our plate heat exchangers. The pattern is designed for high thermal performance while using the allowed pressure drop in the most efficient manner. Available with different pressing depths, pattern pitch and angles – each plate has a pattern that is optimized for a certain duty.