Miyawaki - Ατμοπαγίδα αντεστραμένου κάδου - ES12N
Miyawaki - Ατμοπαγίδα αντεστραμένου κάδου - ES12N

Miyawaki - Ατμοπαγίδα αντεστραμένου κάδου - ES12N

This type of steam trap utilizes the difference in density between steam and condensate, and uses the buoyancy of an open float that takes the form of a bucket to open and close a valve. Miyawaki inverted steam traps include the low-discharge ES Series and the high-discharge ER Series. Both the series use Miyawaki’s SCCV System* for the valve, which offers superb durability and valve closing performance. In addition, ER Series products use a differential pressure double valve system to achieve high discharge, which allows them to discharge the same volume while being much smaller in comparison to other companies’ inverted bucket traps.

*SCCV (Self Closing and Centering Valve) System

The valve holder is held in place by a lever, and the valve itself is placed in the small space inside the holder where it is free to move. This design moderates the mechanical force to which is transferred via the lever.

  • Max. Operating Pressure
  • 1,6MPa
  • Max. Operating Temperature
  • 220℃
  • Max. Discharge Capacity
  • 1,7t/h
Τυποποίηση (Επιλογές)
  • DIN
  • ANSI
  • JIS
Σύνδεση (Επιλογές)
  • Φλαντζωτή
Υλικό Κατασκευής (Επιλογές)
  • Cast Iron
Ονομαστική Πίεση (Επιλογές)
  • PN 16
  • 1,6 Mpa

1978 Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving


No condensate logging on primary side

Intermittent or continuous discharge depending on condensate loads means no condensate stacking up on the primary side.

Easy maintenance

For quick and easy maintenance, this model can be repaired directly in line.

Complete steam containment

A double steam separation mechanism (implemented with a U-shaped duct and inverted bucket) provides reliable steam separation and ensures trap tightness.

Superb durability

Offers superb durability thanks to the SCCV System valve and robust super lever, as well as stainless steel internal components.

Condensate recovery

With its high degree of back pressure tolerance, this model supports condensate recovery at pressures up to 90% of the upstream pressure.

Free from steam and air locking

This model is free from steam and air locking due to a small air vent hole in the top of the bucket (discharges hot air and non-condensable gases).

*’SCCV System’ is an abbreviation of Self Closing and Centering Valve System.

Typical applications

Suitable for a wide range of applications including industrial plants, food and beverage, dyeing, and cleaning.


Size (”)Dimensions (mm)Dimensions (in)Weight
1 1/4”28015013011.05.95.115,133.2
1 1/2”



Max. operating


Max. operating

pressure differential

Max. operating


Body material




Cast iron


1 1/4”
1 1/2”

*Available flange standards: ASME/JPI 150lb, 300lb, DIN PN16, JIS 10K, 16K, 20K

Discharge Capacity

Installation Examples

●To keep the drawing simple, bypass lines, valves, and other required equipment are not displayed. 

●If you wish to recover condensate, attach a check valve (CV model) and shut off valve on the trap’s outlet side.

Miyawaki - Inverted bucket steam trap - ES12N