Έλεγχος Θολότητας Gestra - Θολόμετρο
Έλεγχος Θολότητας Gestra - Θολόμετρο

Gestra - Θολόμετρο

Identify contaminants in your boiler feedwater to prevent process disruption in your steam plant.


Turbidity detector

Early detection of the presence of oil and grease contaminants in your condensate return will help to identify and prevent system malfunctions and reduce the impact on productivity.

The GESTRA oil and turbidity detector is used to detect impurities in transparent liquids.

The equipment is mainly employed in Industry, in the food sector, where high levels of reliability and ease of maintenance are essential for day-to-day operations.

The oil and turbidity detector is suitable for monitoring untreated and treated water (gravel filters, demineralisation plants and reverse osmosis systems).

Our solutions will help you to...

  • Improve boiler efficiency
  • Improve steam quality
  • Reduce maintenance time

What are the features?

  • Real-time monitoring for fast detection
  • Can be configured to suit your application
  • Adheres to standards for contaminant monitoring
Gestra - Turbidity Detector