Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves Cla-Val - Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves - 98-06 & 698-06 Hydraulic Water Saving Control...
Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves Cla-Val - Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves - 98-06 & 698-06 Hydraulic Water Saving Control...

Cla-Val - Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves - 98-06 & 698-06 Hydraulic Water Saving Control Valve ***

Cla-Val Pressure Management Valves are the ideal solution to effectively optimize water distribution pipeline pressure to achieve water savings.

Pressure Optimization is one of the key parameters that allow water distribution systems to operate at peak performance and one of the most reliable ways to save water. Too little pressure renders a system incapable of supplying the needs of customers and compromises water quality. In the worst-case scenario, not having enough pressure hampers the ability to deliver adequate flow for fire fighting. Conversely, too much pressure leaves a system vulnerable to pipe breaks and background leakage.

Τυποποίηση (Επιλογές)
  • ANSI
Σύνδεση (Επιλογές)
  • Φλαντζωτή
Υλικό Κατασκευής (Επιλογές)
  • Ορείχαλκος
  • ASTM A216 WCB
  • Σφαιροειδής Χυτοσίδηρος
Ονομαστική Πίεση (Επιλογές)
  • 150 lbs
  • 300 lbs

Cla-Val Models 98-06 and 698-06 Water Saving Valves use two downstream set points to achieve optimum system pressure; i.e. the capability delivering only the pressure that is needed to meet current demand.

A high-pressure set point is selected for high flow demand and a low-pressure set point is selected for low flow demand. This dual set point arrangement allows for a reduction in water consumption as well as unintentional water loss by keeping system piping from being over-pressurized during periods of low demand, such as at night. It does this without inhibiting adequate pressure during periods of normal (daytime), high or fire demand.

The 98-06 Water Savings Valve provides ” the best of both worlds” – adequate pressure to meet demand and maintain customer satisfaction, but not so much that pipelines become over-pressurized and subject to leakage and pipe breaks.

Cla-Val - Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves - 98-06 & 698-06 Hydraulic Water Saving Control Valve ***