Deflagration and endurance burning proof pressure relief valve - C 9.10 N | KITO Armaturen
Deflagration and endurance burning proof pressure relief valve - C 9.10 N | KITO Armaturen

Deflagration and endurance burning proof pressure relief valve - C 9.10 N | KITO Armaturen

KITO® pressure relief valves    

KITO® pressure relief valves are used to prevent or minimize the loss of gas/vapours allowing econimical savings and reducing environmental pollution. KITO® pressure relief valves are used wherever pressure needs to be relieved in closed systems storing gases or vapours.

Pressure rises inseide liquid storage tanks and eventually must be relieved by a pressure relief valve to avoid tank collapse during operational filling or due to thermal effects caused by a hot sunny day, for instance. Also, possible malfunctions of inert gas valves can cause pressure in the storage tank to rise suddenly.

Standard (Options)
  • DIN
Connection (Options)
  • Flanged
Material (Options)
  • 1.4571
  • Steel
Pressure Rating (Options)
  • PN 10
  • PN 16

Datasheet and documents



  • As breather/venting safety device incorporating an explosion and endurance burning proof flame arrester element for installation on storage tanks containing particular categories of inflammable liquids providing for reliable and safe operation whilst ensuring protection against any possible flashback.
  • The PRV allows the passage of hazardous excess pressure but will minimize the loss of gas/vapours depending on valve adjustment. Approved for all materials of the explosion group IIB3 with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) ≥ 0.65 mm and an maximum operating temperature of 60 °C.
  • Usually mounted on the top of the tank in conjunction with a vacuum relief valve, e.g. KITO® VS/KS-IIB3 (type sheet D 11 N).