Deflagration and endurance burning proof pressure relief valve - C 7.1 N | KITO Armaturen
Deflagration and endurance burning proof pressure relief valve - C 7.1 N | KITO Armaturen

Deflagration and endurance burning proof pressure relief valve - C 7.1 N | KITO Armaturen

KITO® pressure relief valves    

KITO® pressure relief valves are used to prevent or minimize the loss of gas/vapours allowing econimical savings and reducing environmental pollution. KITO® pressure relief valves are used wherever pressure needs to be relieved in closed systems storing gases or vapours.

Pressure rises inseide liquid storage tanks and eventually must be relieved by a pressure relief valve to avoid tank collapse during operational filling or due to thermal effects caused by a hot sunny day, for instance. Also, possible malfunctions of inert gas valves can cause pressure in the storage tank to rise suddenly.

Standard (Options)
  • DIN
Connection (Options)
  • Flanged
Material (Options)
  • 1.4571
  • Steel
Pressure Rating (Options)
  • PN 16
  • PN 40

Datasheet and documents



  • As an end-of-line flame arrester, explosion and endurance burning proof for all inflammable liquids and vapors of explosion group IIB1 and also for alcohols with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) ≥ 0.85 mm and an maximum operating temperature of 60 °C.
  • Safety valve for out breathing pipes of storage tanks as a protection against overpressure.
  • By appropriate pressure adjustment the gasification losses of the storage product are prevented or strongly limited.
  • Usually mounted on the top of the tank in conjunction with a vacuum relief valve (see KITO® VS/KS-IIB3-… (type sheet D 11 N)).
  • An explosion proof condensate drain is also available for this model at extra cost.