Inline Pressure & Vaccum Relief KITO Armaturen - F 80 N Pressure and deflagration proof vacuum relief valve
Inline Pressure & Vaccum Relief KITO Armaturen - F 80 N Pressure and deflagration proof vacuum relief valve

KITO Armaturen - F 80 N Pressure and deflagration proof vacuum relief valve

KITO® pressure & vacuum relief valve

Typically, KITO® inline pressure and vacuum relief valves are used to prevent excessive levels of positive and negative pressure in closed systems. They also constitute an important factor in the reduction of product evaporation losses and impermissible emissions.

Standard (Options)
  • DIN
Connection (Options)
  • Flanged
Material (Options)
  • 1.0619
  • 1.4408
Pressure Rating (Options)
  • PN 10
  • PN 16


-End of line device for use in pipeline-

Application as end-of-line armature, for venting apertures on tank installations. Tested and approved against atmospheric deflagrations for all

materials of the explosion group IIB3 with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) ≥ 0.65 mm and an maximum operating temperature

of 60 °C. Used mainly as venting and breather device for fixed roof tanks. Used to prevent inadmissible pressure and vacuum and

to minimize unwelcome gas losses or inadmissible emissions respectively. The housing is mounted perpendicularly on a tank roof. The

product vapours can be discharged through a collective line into the atmosphere connected to the line flange on the pressure

side. This pipeline must be secured individually.

KITO Armaturen - F 80 N Pressure and deflagration proof vacuum relief valve