Uni-directional in-line detonation flame arrester - G 5 N | KITO Armaturen
Uni-directional in-line detonation flame arrester - G 5 N | KITO Armaturen

Uni-directional in-line detonation flame arrester - G 5 N | KITO Armaturen

KITO® detonation flame arresters

If potentially explosive gas-air mixtures ignite in a section of pipeline, a deflagration can turn into a detonation under certain instances.

Datasheet and documents


KITO® Rd/C-Det4-IIA-…-1.2

  • Detonation flame arrester for installation into pipes to protect containers and components against stable detonation of flammable liquids and gases.
  • Tested and approved as detonation flame arrester type 4.
  • Approved for all substances of explosion groups IIA1 to IIA with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) > 0.9 mm.
  • An operating pressure of 1.2 bar abs. and an operating temperature of 60 °C must not be exceeded.
  • Positioning should be as close as possible to the protected object; it is only allowed to connect pipes with the same or a smaller diameter than the diameter (G) of the device.
  • The installation of the detonation flame arrester into horizontal and vertical pipes is permissible.