Bi-directional in-line deflagration flame arrester, endurance burning proof - H 32.1 N | KITO Armaturen
Bi-directional in-line deflagration flame arrester, endurance burning proof - H 32.1 N | KITO Armaturen

Bi-directional in-line deflagration flame arrester, endurance burning proof - H 32.1 N | KITO Armaturen

KITO® deflagration flame arrester

If potentially explosive gas-air mixtures ignite in a section of pipeline, the explosion starts out as a deflagration propagating at relatively low pressures and flame speed below speed of sound.

Standard (Options)
  • DIN
Connection (Options)
  • Flanged
Material (Options)
  • 1.0619
  • 1.4408
Pressure Rating (Options)
  • PN 10
  • PN 16

Datasheet and documents



KITO® INE-DB-I-…/…-T (-TT)

  • For installation into pipes to the protection of vessels and components against deflagration of flammable liquids and gases.
  • Approved for all substances of explosion group IIA1 (old: I) with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) ≥ 1.14 mm.
  • Bi-directionally working in pipes, whereby an operating pressure of 1.1 bar abs. and an operating temperature of 60 °C must not be exceeded.
  • All sizes are tested against “stabilized burning” and withstand this for indefinite time (endurance burn).
  • The distance between a potential ignition source and the flame arrester must not exceed 50 times the inner pipe diameter.
  • An installation into horizontal and vertical pipes is permissible.
  • To detect a thermal load on the KITO® flame arrester element in operation, a temperature sensor can be implemented as an option into the flame arrester body.