Blowdown Vessels ADCA - Boiler House Equipment - BV ADCA - Boiler House Equipment - BV The ADCA BV series blowdown vessels are used in modern boiler houses to cool hot waste water and steam boiler blowdown before discharging them into a pit or drain. If flash steam can not be recovered or discharged to the atmosphere, an optional condensing water spray system can be supplied. It is fitted into the top of the unit and can be controlled by a... View Flanged PN 16 DIN Carbon Steel Stainless Steel
Blowdown Vessels ADCA - Boiler House Equipment - BEX ADCA - Boiler House Equipment - BEX The ADCA BEX series blowdown expansion and cooling units are used in modern boiler houses to cool hot waste water and steam boiler blowdown before discharging them into a pit or drain. View NPT Flanged PN 16 150 lbs DIN ANSI Carbon Steel