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Globe Valves: What They Are and Their Role in Steam Systems
Globe Valves: What They Are and Their Role in Steam Systems

Globe valves are specialized isolation valves used in steam networks to regulate steam flow and isolate specific...

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  • Globe Valves: What They Are and Their Role in Steam Systems
    Globe Valves: What They Are and Their Role in Steam Systems

    Globe valves are specialized isolation valves used in steam networks to regulate steam flow and isolate specific sections of the system. Their role is crucial in maintaining energy efficiency, preventing steam losses, protecting equipment, and ensuring the safe operation of steam systems. They are widely used in various industrial applications, including: Steam generation and distribution systems in the food, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and power generation industries....

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  • What Are Steam Traps and What Do They Do?
    What Are Steam Traps and What Do They Do?

    Steam traps are specialized valves used in steam systems to remove condensate, gases, and impurities while preventing steam loss. Their proper operation enhances energy efficiency, protects equipment, and improves the overall performance of the system.

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  • Food and beverages
    Food and beverages

    Heating, cooling, drying, distilling and fermenting are just a few of the steps which are necessary in industrial food processing. These processes are generally executed using water, steam or thermal oil. For several decades now, ARI-Armaturen has been a strong partner for this kind of application.

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  • Power plants & renewable energy
    Power plants & renewable energy

    Power plants generate electricity and in some cases also thermal energy. Several very different types of power plant exist. The most common – and best-known – are coal-fired power plants. Since exclusively fossil fuels are used here, there is an increasing trend towards power generation technologies based on renewable energy sources such as the sun, water and wind.

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  • Steelworks

    Steel production is a basic industry that plays a crucial role in many national and international value chains.

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  • Building materials
    Building materials

    Autoclave hardening is an important step in the production of sand-lime bricks and aerated concrete. This hydrothermal hardening process takes place in the autoclaves under steam pressure in a saturated steam atmosphere at temperatures up to +200°C.

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