Cla-Val - Aviation - Filtration Control Valves - CFF21 Flanged Float Control
Cla-Val - Aviation - Filtration Control Valves - CFF21 Flanged Float Control

Cla-Val - Aviation - Filtration Control Valves - CFF21 Flanged Float Control

Cla-Val designs and manufactures a complete range of automatic control valves for commercial fueling systems. Each of these valves perform a unique function in the system including flow limiting, surge protection, fuel shut-off, level control, back pressure control and pressure reducing.

Τεχνικά Φυλλάδια / Οδηγίες Χρήσης / Λοιπά


The Cla-Val Model CFF21 Flanged Float Control is a float operated pilot control installed in the water accumulation sump of a fuel filter/separator. It is designed to automatically actuate a water drain valve (Model 100AF) and to sense a rapid accumulation of water in the sump in excess of the capacity of the drain valve. If the water level cannot be reduced by the drain valve, the float control signals the fuel discharge valve to close until the water has been drained.