The water in a water tube boiler is contained in the tubes and combustion takes place in a furnace comprised of tube banks and tube walls. High-pressure steam boilers nearly always have a superheater because the steam is used to generate electricity using a turbine and alternator. Water tube boilers can have the following layouts:
- Natural circulation boiler: Water is pumped into the deaerator by means of a feed pump. The water circulates by convection between the top and bottom drums.
- Forced circulation boiler: The water is circulated by a pump.
- Once-through boiler: The water is pumped through the piping system in one direction.
The steam boiler in Fig. 2-3 shows a high-pressure boiler with forced circulation. A circulating pump connected to the drum (steam / water vessel) on the suction side circulates the water over the evaporator heating surfaces. The amount of water circulated through the evaporator heating surfaces is about six times as high as the generated quantity of steam. The steam bubbles that are formed in the evaporator are separated from the water in the drum, e.g. by means of cyclone separators. The steam collects in the drum over the surface of the water, which is continuously circulated to the evaporator. The economiser is mounted in the steam boiler, as indicated in the diagram. This is understandable in view of the fact that the flue gas temperature ahead of the economiser is relatively high (owing to the high steam pressure). In a 100 bar boiler it would be 350 ºC.
In order to extract as much heat as possible from the flue gases, the economiser installed here should be considerably larger than with a low-pressure boiler. In the same way as with low-pressure boilers (Fig. 2-1), an economiser is used to reduce the temperature of the flue gases to around 125 ºC
Fig. 2-4 shows a corner tube boiler with natural circulation. The furnace is comprised of water tubes that are welded on both sides with steel strips approx. 15 mm apart to obtain a gas-tight wall, also known as a membrane wall.
The tubes are connected to collection drums at the top and bottom. The tubes inside the membrane walls are sometimes referred to as risers, while the lower collection vessels (or drums) are fed from the drum via downcomers. The downcomer tubes are outside the heated part of the boiler. The upper collection vessels are connected to the drum.
The natural circulation in the riser tubes is maintained due to convection. The steam is separated from the boiler water in the drum. The saturated steam that flows from the drum to the superheater should not contain any water. The water and steam are separated by means of vertical baffles inside the drum. Other types of water tube boiler have cyclone separators mounted in the drums to dry the steam. The saturated steam is further heated above the saturation temperature in the superheater (refer to Chapter 1.0 Heat Engineering Concepts).