Cla-Val - Check Valves - 587 Series Surge Blocker
Cla-Val - Check Valves - 587 Series Surge Blocker

Cla-Val - Check Valves - 587 Series Surge Blocker

Cla-Val’s sturdy and reliable check valves provide non-slam closure, have a low head loss and close drip-tight.

Τυποποίηση (Επιλογές)
  • ANSI
Σύνδεση (Επιλογές)
  • Φλαντζωτή
Υλικό Κατασκευής (Επιλογές)
  • ASTM A351 CF8M
  • Σφαιροειδής Χυτοσίδηρος
Ονομαστική Πίεση (Επιλογές)
  • 125 lbs

The Cla-Val 587 Series Surge Blocker effectively prevents slamming and resulting surge conditions caused by reverse flow. The valve’s 35°short disc stroke results in rapid closure as compared to a conventional swing check valve with an 80° to 90° typical stroke distance.

Cla-Val - Surge Blocker - 587