Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK
Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK
Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK
Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK
Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK
Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK
Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK
Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK

Gestra - Αυτόματο εξυδατωτικό - AK

Improve system performance with our condensate removal solutions

For maintenance and energy managers improving productivity, reducing operating costs and energy use are key drivers. 

By removing condensate from your steam system, you can maintain effective heat transfer, reduce damage to your steam system equipment and return reusable condensate energy to your boiler feed tank for reuse.  

GESTRA's steam traps meet the most demanding system requirements to help you effectively remove condensate, keeping your system operating at peak performance.

Automatic drainage steam traps automatically discharges air and condensate from steam systems on start-up and shut-down and provides protection from frost.

Τυποποίηση (Επιλογές)
  • DIN
  • ANSI
Σύνδεση (Επιλογές)
  • Φλαντζωτή
Υλικό Κατασκευής (Επιλογές)
  • 1.0460
Ονομαστική Πίεση (Επιλογές)
  • PN 40

Discharge air and condensate on start-up

The AK 45 automatic drainage valve rapidly and automatically discharges air and condensate from steam systems on start-up and drains residual fluid when the system is shut-down. 

The integrated spring enables the AK 45 to open without pressure. 

The valve closes as soon as the operating pressure increases to the closing pressure set. If the operating pressure falls below the closing pressure once more, the AK 45 is opened by a spring force and drains residual fluid preventing the formation of a vacuum.

Our solutions will help you to...

  • Protect your steam system
  • Improve system performance
  • Reduce maintenance time

What are the features?

  • Protect from frost
  • Reduce waterhammer risk
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Hand-purging device to remove dirt
Gestra - Automatic Drainage Valve type AK